Social influence is something we really upon in the absence of objective information about the world. Traditionally social influence research has maintained a distinction between informational and normative influence. That is sometimes particular under conditions of certainty. We rely on others to give us information. But we also confirm to others to gain their approval, particularly when we are dependent on them in groups. In effect, we trade our autonomy for social rewards and patronage.
Within the past month, I dove into the world of social psychology, which provided me with more insight into how truly there are no individuals without a group and no group without the individual. Intellectual puzzles relate to fundamental questions of social life – to issues of equality and inequality, to the struggle against injustice, to the ability of people to determine their own fate and to fashion new worlds. In this regard, it is crucial to understand social identity and self-categorization theories as normative as well as for analytics. They are concerned with groups and social identities not necessarily because we spend most of our lives acting as group members, but rather because it is only when we do that we have the power to make and remake history. If groups are often at the root of social problems (conflict, discrimination, hatred), they are also the solution to these problems and the drivers of social progress. If change is to be achieved, it is through collective actions to transform the “given” structures of everyday life.
The social identity process is bound up with means of social change. Understanding of group-level understanding, related to; the structure of social reality rather than being distortions of social reality, how groups shape how people think rather than destroy thought, and how group behavior is always meaningful in context. It is what allows us to move beyond slogans when contesting anti-collectivism in psychology and society and from that in social and sustainable marketing and communications. In sum, shared social identity transforms group members from separate individuals into an extension of the self. It transcends and redefines the boundaries of otherness. It creates a shift toward intimacy. In other words, shared social identity creates social solitary. This is critical to acting on our shared beliefs which is essential in allowing us to rely on others to back us up. Furthermore, it is crucial in terms of developing an effective organization where we can trust those working separately from ourselves to contribute to the common good.
The qualities that are valued in the broader society and within the group that comprises it structure the functioning of the mind and defines what is appropriate and inappropriate. But, how is the mind socially structures and socially produced? How through social identity processes, the structures and lessons society offers can be actively endorsed or challenges?
Stay tuned, as I will share more of what I learned within my class of social psychology on stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. Besides, this month, I am enrolled in the course of morals, values, and justice. Looking forward to gaining more insight and broadening my view.